Diplomats, historians and political scientists will discuss methods of fighting disinformation and falsification of history at the forum in Moscow
On November 14 and 15, the National Hotel in Moscow will host the third international forum "Media and digital technologies facing the challenge of information and historical falsification". Among the main speakers of the event are Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, historian Natalia Narochnitskaya, documentary filmmaker Igor Prokopenko, representatives of specialized Russian agencies, as well as well-known historians, political scientists, sociologists and journalists. This year more than 200 specialists from Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Slovakia, Germany, Algeria, India, China and other countries are taking part in the forum.
The International Forum "Media and Digital Technologies facing the challenge of information and historical falsification" is held for the third time. Leading experts in media, politics, diplomacy, history and digital technologies will discuss the most pressing issues of transformation of the modern information and historical environment under the influence of disinformation and deliberate falsification. The goal of the event is for the expert community to jointly search for solutions to the problem of information falsification and distortion of historical reality.
In a globalized information space, attempts to falsify historical events have long been a common practice and a tool to influence public opinion. However, as in the case with the usual disinformation in the media and outright falsification of the facts of today, historical manipulations must be fought, says Armen Hovhannisyan, Chairman of the Forum’s Organizing Committee, Editor-in-Chief of the International Life magazine: "We can win or lose in individual battles. However, information wars, especially between civilizations, are permanent. It is necessary to counter information threats, but losing individual battles, we should realize that this is an endless process. We should strive to win, and victory is given for efforts, for faith and purity of thoughts".
For the guests of the forum there will also be a screening of a documentary movie with interviews of the participants of the event and newsreel footage.
The International Forum "Media and Digital Technologies Facing the Challenge of Information and Historical Falsification" is organized by the International Life magazine with the support of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The forum will be traditionally held in Moscow for two days — November 14 and 15.
Contacts for media:
Valeria Smirnova
+7 916 928-89-79
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